Saskatchewan beauty
Yahoo! I just wrote the mid-term exam for my International Management class and scored a 92%. I’m a little disappointed at some of the questions I got wrong because I really did know the correct answer. Oh well, I shouldn’t complain.
Usually people take a break after finishing something like this, but I have to start researching for my major paper today. The paper focuses on both sides of the softwood lumber dispute between Canada and US. I’m trying to put my Canadian biases aside for this one and see things from the American perspective as well.
Tara and I are planning to make the trek to Edmonton for Thanksgiving weekend, so I need to get most of my assignments completed before then. This should be a busy 3 weeks!
Well, I better start working on that paper. As a closing note, I know that many of you think that we live in a desolate wasteland without trees or hills. Although that statement is partially true, we do have some amazing sunsets to boast about. Check out the picture I’ve posted. This pic was taken right beside our apartment.
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